%100 natural nutritionally preserved product!

  • Bayraklı / İzmir / Türkiye
  • +902325038588
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Croque Les Fruits

Croque Les Fruits is a freeze - dry fruits manufacturer mainly serving the food industry. Acting as a trailblazer in Turkiye in this respect, Biorg & Fresh has invested in freeze-drying and food Technologies. As the new face of the “healthy snack” business, we are proud to be offering healthy, sugar-free, gluten-free products by eliminating the off-season concept and ensuring availability at all times.

Having adopted the fundamental ideology of being an establishment that is regarded as innovative, environmentally friendly, respected and sustainable, Biorg & Fresh carries out all its operations with social responsibility awareness in line with its management and production strategies and reflects this principle in all its products and services.

You are at the right spot to find the best selection of freeze-dried products on the market! But what exactly is freeze-drying and how does it work?

Freeze-drying is a preservation method that removes water from the food while keeping its original shape, taste, and nutritional value intact. It's like a superhero power for fruits and veggies! But this superhero power isn't limited to fruits and vegetables, anything can be freeze dried! It can be applied to a wide range of products, from fruits and vegetables to cheese, meat, nuts and even macarons, the possibilities are endless, imagine your future products and create them with us!
It's done by freezing the fruits or vegetables and then applying a vacuum and low heat, which causes the frozen water in the food to sublimate (go from a solid state to a gas state) and be removed. This leaves behind a lightweight, shelf-stable product that can be stored for long periods of time without losing its nutritional value.

But why settle for bland and less nutritious canned and processed fruits and vegetables when you can have the convenience and nutrition of our line of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables? With our products, you'll never have to worry about them going bad before you have a chance to eat them. Plus, since the process preserves the antioxidants and fibers that are so important for maintaining a healthy diet, you'll be getting all the good stuff without the added hassle of dealing with fresh produce.

Our products come in a variety of forms, from powder to slices and diced, whole and smoothie mix options, giving you the flexibility to consume your daily greens and fruits in ways you never thought possible. So, whether you're a busy mom looking to feed your kids healthy snacks, a chef looking to add some unique and flavorful elements to your dishes, or just someone looking for an easy and convenient way to stay healthy, our freeze-dried goodies are the perfect choice.

In summary, Freeze-drying is a convenient, easy and nutritious way to consume your daily greens and fruits, that is why it is gaining popularity among health-conscious individuals.
Try it today and experience the difference for yourself!

Advantages Of The Freeze - Dry Technology In Comparison To Other Drying Methods

Freeze-drying, also known as lyophilization, is a unique drying method that preserves the nutritional value, color, and texture of food, pharmaceuticals, and other products. It is a complex process that involves freezing the product, reducing the pressure, and then removing the frozen water in the form of vapor. Here are some advantages of freeze-drying technology in comparison to other drying methods:

• Preservation of nutritional value: Freeze-drying preserves the nutritional value of food and other products better than other drying methods because it prevents the damage that occurs due to heat and oxygen.

• Longer shelf life: Freeze-dried products have a much longer shelf life than products dried using other methods because the process removes most of the water, which is the main cause of spoilage.

• Lightweight and easy to transport: Freeze-dried products are lightweight and easy to transport because they have had most of the water removed. This makes them ideal for camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities.

• Better flavor and texture: Freeze-drying preserves the flavor and texture of food better than other drying methods, making the final product more enjoyable to consume.

• Cost-effective: Freeze-drying is a cost-effective method for drying food, pharmaceuticals, and other products because it requires less energy and less expensive equipment than other methods.

• Better for delicate products: Freeze-drying is a gentle method of drying delicate products, such as flowers, fruits, and vegetables, that are sensitive to heat and pressure.

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